Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Student ID: 0615323
Term4 Average: 95.5
Term4 Grade: A
    Name                                     Date     Category  Weight Score Max

    Superfund Worksheet                      03/14/18 Work                35   35
    Toxicology problem set                   03/14/18 Work                35   35
    LD50 Activity                            03/21/18 Work                11   11
    Bee Essay                                03/23/18 Work                50   50
    LD50 Lab Report                          03/28/18 Test/Lab            50   50
    Toxicology Test                          03/30/18 Test/Lab            86  100
    Environmental Situation Cards Participat 04/11/18 Test/Lab            10   10
    Review Participation 1                   04/27/18 Work                10   10
    Review Participation 2                   04/30/18 Work                10   10
    Review Participation 3                   05/01/18 Work             Ab      10
    Review Participation 4                   05/02/18 Test/Lab            10   10
    Review Participation 5                   05/03/18 Test/Lab            10   10
    Review Participation 6                   05/04/18 Test/Lab            10   10

    Term #4 Work                             Subtotal            40.0  100.0  100
    Term #4 Test/Lab                         Subtotal            60.0   92.6  100
    Term #4                                  Subtotal            40.0   95.5  100


Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Student ID: 0615323
Term4 Average: 96.4
Term4 Grade: A
                 Name             Date     Category  Weight Score Max

                 bellringer       03/16/18 **                   8  10
                 sketchbook       03/23/18 **                   5   5
                 bellringer       03/30/18 **                   5   5
                 sketchbook       04/13/18 **                   5   5
                 bellringer       04/13/18 **                   5   5
                 acrylic painting 04/17/18 **                  34  35
                 sketchbook       04/20/18 **                   5   5
                 bellringer       04/20/18 **                   5   5
                 sketchbook       04/27/18 **                   5   5
                 bellringer       04/27/18 **                   5   5

                 Term #4 **       Subtotal                   96.4 100
                 Term #4          Subtotal            40.0   96.4 100


Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Student ID: 0615323
Term4 Average: 82.6
Term4 Grade: B
      Name                                   Date     Category  Weight Score Max

      RAR 22 with prompts on Classroom       03/23/18 homework            10  10
      RAR 23 with guided prompts             03/30/18 homework            10  10
      Rough Draft IWA                        04/09/18 homework            10  10
      teacher FB on IWA rough draft          04/13/18 homework             0  10
      former Seminar student feedback on IWA 04/13/18 homework             0  10
      RAR 24 with guiding questions          04/13/18 homework            10  10
      Final draft IWA turned in on time      04/16/18 test                 8  10
      Presentation slides submitted on time  04/18/18 test                10  10
      IWA upload on time                     04/23/18 test                 7  10
      Self Scoring on Task 2                 04/25/18 test                10  10
      RAR 25 with guided questions           04/20/18 homework            10  10
      RAR assessment of recording of IMP     04/27/18 homework            10  10

      Term #4 homework                       Subtotal            25.0   75.0 100
      Term #4 quiz                           Subtotal            35.0     ** 100
      Term #4 test                           Subtotal            40.0   87.5 100
      Term #4                                Subtotal            40.0   82.6 100


Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Student ID: 0615323
Term4 Average: 61.8
Term4 Grade: D
     Name                                     Date     Category  Weight Score Max

     Scarlet Letter 15&16 D/Q                 03/19/18 Classwk             10  15
     Scarlet Letter Rhetorical Analysis Packe 03/19/18 test                20  40
     Scarlet Letter chpts. 17-19 Socratic D/Q 03/23/18 quiz                12  12
     Current Event #11                        03/27/18 quiz                17  20
     Laying the Foundation "M/C" Packet       03/27/18 Classwk          **     20
     Vocabulary                               03/29/18 quiz                29  30
     Scarlet Letter 20-24                     03/29/18 quiz                11  24
     AP Practice #1                           04/17/18 Classwk          **     80
     AP Practice #2                           04/23/18 Classwk             68  80
     AP Practice #3                           04/30/18 Classwk             73  80

     Term #4 Classwk                          Subtotal            25.0   54.9 100
     Term #4 quiz                             Subtotal            35.0   80.2 100
     Term #4 test                             Subtotal            40.0   50.0 100
     Term #4                                  Subtotal            40.0   61.8 100


Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Term4 Average: 45.3
Term4 Grade: F
          Name                         Date     Category  Weight Score Max

          Genetics FRQ                 03/15/18 Test                 8   10
          Control of Gene Expression   03/19/18 Proj/Hom            31   33
          Chapters 13 and 14           03/21/18 Proj/Hom            20   20
          Operon Model                 03/22/18 Lab                 20   20
          Bacterial ID Virtual Lab     03/29/18 Lab                100  100
          Gene Expression MC test      03/30/18 Test             **      80
          Chapter 17 Learning Outcomes 04/10/18 Proj/Hom         **      24
          Gene Expression FRQ          04/12/18 Test             **      19
          Mitosis/Meiosis Lab          04/19/18 Lab              **      10
          Crossing over lab            04/24/18 Lab              **       0
          Hardy-Weinberg lab           04/26/18 Lab              **      10
          Ecology Test                 05/08/18 Test             **      **

          Term #4 Proj/Hom             Subtotal            15.0   66.2  100
          Term #4 Quiz                 Subtotal            15.0     **  100
          Term #4 Lab                  Subtotal            30.0   85.7  100
          Term #4 Test                 Subtotal            40.0    7.3  100
          Term #4                      Subtotal            40.0   45.3  100


Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Student ID: 0615323

Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Student ID: 0615323
Term4 Average: 48.4
Term4 Grade: F
       Name                                Date     Category  Weight Score Max

       Sec/CSC 5A and 5B problems          03/14/18 HW                   0  10
       HW WS #5 Part 2                     03/15/18 HW                   0  10
       Graph Trig Fcns WS                  03/15/18 CW                   0  15
       Inverse Tan HW                      03/21/18 HW                  10  10
       Inverse Trig WS # 1                 03/21/18 CW                  20  20
       Inverse Trig HW WS                  03/22/18 HW                  20  20
       Inverse Trig WS # 2                 03/23/18 CW                  19  20
       Inverse Trig WS # 3                 03/30/18 CW                  16  18
       Inv Trig WS # 8                     04/13/18 CW                  15  15
       1st Degree Trig Practice            04/16/18 CW                   0  24
       1st Degree Trig HW                  04/17/18 HW                   0  15
       2nd Degree Trig Practice            04/20/18 HW               **     12
       2nd Degree Trig HW                  04/23/18 CW               **     20
       Trig Eqns w/ Substitutions Practice 04/23/18 CW                   0  10
       Trig Eqns w/ Substitutions HW       04/25/18 CW                   0  20
       Trig Eqns Mixed Practice            04/27/18 CW                   0  24
       Exam Review - Right Triangle Trig   05/04/18 CW                  29  35
       Exam Review - Trig Quiz Packet      05/11/18 CW               **     45
       Exam Review - Trig Review Packet    05/18/18 CW               **     50

       Term #4 HW                          Subtotal                   46.1 100
       Term #4 Assess                      Subtotal                     ** 100
       Term #4 CW                          Subtotal                   49.2 100
       Term #4                             Subtotal            40.0   48.4 100


Progress Report for: NAME REDACTED
Student ID: 0615323